
Woman Camping Out Front of Best Buy Already for Black Friday

Okay you stupid Americans, this is a bit much.

Some crazy lady in Florida, which in my estimation houses almost every lunatic in the U.S., has already set up a tent outside a Florida Best Buy in order to be first in line for Black Friday sales.

Hello???  It's Tuesday woman!  You don't have a job?  A life?  And where the Hell are the kids she says she has?    

(For those of you who don't know what Black Friday is, it's the day that Americans trample on each other to buy crap at box stores on sale.)

She was interviewed by a local news crew and said, "We did this just for our own firstness, um, to make ourselves happy and that we accomplished something - it was a personal goal."

Whaaa?  You need to get some new personal goals!  Consumerism isn't a goal, it's more of a disease.

She also said some nonsense about Thanksgiving not meaning that "you just have to go to someone's house, have a traditional turkey, spend eight hours a day cooking and cleaning, enjoying the good meal and family and then cleaning up and going home and falling asleep on the couch watching football."

Yeah, who wants to do that when you can spend your time shopping for shit you don't need.  Screw tradition!  Shop on America, shop on!   

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