
Britney Spears Beaten by Jason Trawick, Y'all???

Mad drama, yo!

First Justin, then that bumpkin she married for 55 hours in Vegas, then K-Fed, now this!  No wonder this broad went mental.  Poor Brit Brit - can't she just find real love y'all?  Dang!

Star Magazine, possibly the shittiest and most unreliable tabloid next to The Enquirer, is reporting that Britney was beaten by her long-time boyfriend super agent Jason Trawick.  Oh no!  Another pop princess beaten down by her man?  If these beautiful, talented superstars can't make it work, what chance do the rest of us schmucks have?    

It's her first ex-husband, the aforementioned bumpkin - Jason Alexander, who revealed to Star that Britney has been beaten by Trawick (more then once I may add).  The tapes reveal she didn't go to the police because she didn't want any of it going public...guess she can kiss that dream goodbye.  BTW - Doesn't it seem like everyone is taping everyone else these days?  Best Buy must be the only company not going tits up because of the booming demand for audio recording devices.

The trashy rag Star is also reporting Alexander said Britney told him she was pregnant earlier this year with Trawick's bastard child!  Good Lord!  This isn't gonna be pretty.

Alexander's taped phone conversations with Britney are blowing open a whole shitstorm of tabloid gossip to feed on.  The tapes sound pretty legit, but I'm no Gil Grissom.  Alexander also took a polygraph, Maury Povich style, which has proven that he IS THE FATHER is telling the truth.  It should be noted that Spears' and Trawicks' people deny everything, saying that the tapes are as phony as her crappy weave.

I don't want to believe it because dude was so good to her after she went all cuckoo for cocoa puffs but you never know...it's always those quiet, decent guys who turn out to be the biggest jerkoffs.

Radar Online has the tapes of the conversation Mizz Spears had with her ex if you want a listen.

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