
Justin Bieber's Alleged Baby - FIRST PICTURE

Here's a pic of that damn stunt queen, Mariah Yeater, who keeps saying that superstar Justin Bieber impregnated her with his tiny underage penis.  That baby in the picture is the supposed love child they made when they did it in the shitter behind the stage at the Staples Center.

This is getting ridiculous...

Yeater claimed her ex-boyfriend was the father at first but quickly changed her tune now claiming Bieber is the baby daddy.  He is set to take a paternity test to disprove he ever touched the bitch and then he says he'll sue her for being a stupid liar.

Hang in there, Selena!!!  We love you, boo!  (Well except for those crazy Beliebers who threaten to kill you and shit on Twitter - what's with that, eh?)

Image Via www.theinsider.com

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