
Scarlett Johansson Hacker Caught!

Phew!  I can finally rest easy tonight!

Christopher Chaney has been nabbed by the feds, yo!  He is the nefarious dude who is apparently responsible for "Operation Hackerazzi" (lol so dumb) - the hacking and leaking out those dumb self-taken nekkid pics of ScarHo a whiles back.  The 35-year-old is from Florida and stands accused of hacking into the e-mail and phones of 50 celebrities.

50?  And he couldn't manage to leak ONE pic of Ryan Reynolds sexy ass?  Come on now.

Chaney says he was "addicted" to spying on celebrities and I concur lol.  Who does this shit?  Just follow them on twitter or get some photoshop or something.  He now faces 121 years in jail - that's some gnarly time for leaking some celeb tittays!

Image Via www.newsday.com

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