
Bethenny Frankel Was Never Lost at Sea?

First her Skinnygirl empire came into question by Jill Zarin calling Whole Foods grocery stores and now this?  Calling Lizzie Grubman!!!

About 3 weeks ago or so (I can't be expected to keep track of the days) Bethenny and company - including her superhubby Jason and her psychiatrist supposedly were lost at sea for a harrowing 20 hours.  She tweeted about her impressive survival afterwards and even praised the man who "saved" them on Ellen.  ELLEN!!!

Well, now the man who rescued them all is speaking out and he tells a VERY different story.

Tim Russell - the rescuer who was called out to Frankel's "capsized" boat - says there was hardly any danger to report in the waters off Nantucket.
Omg.yahoo reports, "When Tim got there, he saw the boat was fine. There were 9 people on the boat. Bethenny, Jason, the therapist and a Bravo film crew of 6. They did not need a tow as the boat was fine. They simply followed Tim and his wife back to the shore with no towing and a functioning GPS."
Russell says, "There was no reason for help to be called."

Apparently, Tim only went out because he respects the water, and was unsure of the problem.  Now people are pissed about the lie because Bethenny "wasted everyone's time, mocked the USCG, and belittled Tim Russell."

Russell also says, "Bethenny came back to shore in the same boat she went out on. The only way they could have gotten lost would have been captain error."  (The therapist has been sailing for 30 years and can not only use the GPS, but can read charts, so there is no way they were lost. So, per his assertions, the whole thing was faked.)

Well, day-um!  No need to make shit like this up!  You were on the cover of Forbes magazine, man!

Image Via www.zimbio.com

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