
20-Year-Old Dead...From Playing Too Much XBox!

Holy shit!  I'm a HUGE gamer!  That can happen!?!?

Chris Staniforth (pictured above) was apparently a huge gamer as well and used to spend days playing Halo on his XBox, sometimes playing for more than 12 hours at a time.  His poor father said he "lived for his XBox" and had been accepted into a game design program at Leicester University.

He died in May unexpectedly and his father tells the BBC that, "He had probably been on all night, on the computer at his desk, on Facebook or gaming -- one or the other."  After his major sesh, Staniforth said he felt a pounding in his chest that bothered him but eventually just fell asleep. The next morning, Staniforth and his friend were going to apply for jobs and he collapsed.

I'm not going to get into the gnarly details of the actual cause but basically he had a blood clot that effed him up - permanently - and allegedly this was from the massive amount of time he spent sitting around playing video games.

This really freaks me out!!!  I play for like, two day marathons sometimes!  My Sims need to develop!!! 

The whole thing is just really sad...RIP buddy.

Image Via www.blog.cytalk.com

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