
Star Magazine Claims Lindsay is a Drunkass Again

If this wasn't in Star Magazine it may be believable...but kudos for the kickass cover.  Jim Carrey with pot, booze and four women?  Lol.  What's that about?  But anyways...

Keith Middlebrook - basically Lindsay's Sam Lutfi - sold a Helluva story to Star Magazine about his girl LiLo!  He didn't just throw her under the bus, he chucked the bitch!

According to Sam Keith, he financed an alleged “booze-fueled” stay at the Chateau Marmont for Lohan and partied with her “a handful of times” at the Venice house she stalks Sam from.  He says she has been “drinking and partying since getting out of rehab.”

It should be noted that no one else but this doucher has seen her with a drink since getting out of Betty Ford.

Lohan is pretty pissed about it and says, "I met Keith Middlebrook once and then he started to stalk me.  End of story."  Pictures online suggest otherwise but whatevs...She also said, "I am also absolutely not about to throw everything that I’ve accomplished in my sobriety away for the things of my past."

I knew this guy was no good!  He's the guy who showed up a while back telling everyone he was LiLo's legal consultant when he wasn't even a lawyer - shady, shady, shady... 

Image Via www.gossipcop.com

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