
Norwegian Bosses are Crazy About Bathroom Breaks

First off, if you have to go you have to go, man!  What's the big deal?

A new study of Norwegian business productivity practices has found that Norwegian Bosses are all Captain Insano about pee breaks at work...

Some of the bonkers rules are things like making women wear a red bracelet when they're on their period to justify more frequent bathroom breaks, using electronic key cards to gain access to bathrooms to keep track of who, when and how long employees were in there, some make their workers sign a toilet visitors book and some even use video surveillance to monitor the employees.

What is going on in Norway?  Are people abusing their bathroom privileges and taking their sweet ass time in the john or what?  And even if they are, who cares if they take a few more minutes in the can?  It's not like they're in there smearing shit all over the walls and thinking of ways to start crazy office melees.  I say, let 'em pee all they want!  Bathroom breaks for everyone!  

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