
Nipples, Nipples, Everywhere...Nicki Minaj and Kelly Rowland Slip Up

Oh how I long for the days when I was just a wee one and I didn't have to have famous nipples in my face 24/7 because pop stars were shameless nipple baring whores!  It was a simpler time - but alas I live in a nipplier time now - so I adjust...

For those of you gettin' all sorts of hot and bothered about Nicki Minaj flashing her tittays on GMA or Kelly Rowland giving the good, old double-nipple salute during a concert in Jersey I say to you - we all have nipples!  It's not a big deal!

Sure, maybe your little kid was watching GMA while you were ignorantly and blissfully fixing some Cheerios in the kitchen and maybe now all he/she will talk about is boobies but hey, could be worse...

At least it wasn't a crotch shot.  Personally I find their shitty music a helluva lot more offensive.    

Image 1 Via www.celebpromoter.com 
Image 2 Via www.thehollywoodgossip.com

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