
A Jerusalem Court Tried to Stone a Dog to Death

Sonofabitch!  Now I'm not even going to start in on a religious rant here but it's crazy shit like this that makes zealots look like a bunch of captain insanos! 

So, here we go...

It all starts when a random dog walks into a rabbinical courtroom in Israel and won't leave, probably because he's just a stupid but supercute dog, right?  RIGHT??? 


According to Rabbis' in the courtroom he wandered into (which we can safely assume was the worst damn courtroom for a dog to walk into and not leave) it was reminiscent of a curse passed on a now deceased secular lawyer about 20 years ago when judges bid his spirit to enter the body of a dog.

Yeah I know but keep reading...

So what's a court to do???  They decide to stone the poor thing!  With stones!!!  Stoning a dog!  Man, see I'm getting worked up just posting this (you can tell by my almost annoying overuse of exclamation marks).   

One of the judges at the court had reportedly asked local children to carry out the sentence.  Remind me never to go to this place for vacay...yeesh!  Spring break indeed!

When an animal welfare organization filed a complaint with the police against a court official reports were denied about any dog stoning but a court manager told Yediot Aharonot the stoning had been ordered as "as an appropriate way to 'get back at' the spirit which entered the poor dog."

The dog is fine and "escaped" before any little neighborhood kids could throw stones at him until he died, but if I EVER see anyone stoning a damn dog, it's on!  Be warned...

And yes, that IS the actual dog in the post photo - if you guys see him around you should give him a bone or something...he had a rough day.

Image Via www.sott.net

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