
Driver Gets Into Accident While Drunk and Having Sex


Some dumbass from North Virginia who was convicted of drunk driving back in May 2010 now faces a lawsuit for an accident he caused because he was supposedly dick punching some chick while cruising around.  Check out part of the docs from the court:

Paragraph 10. “At the time of the collision, Defendant was going 85 miles per hour.”
Paragraph 12. “At the time of the collision, Defendant was having sex with a female.”
Paragraph13. “At the time of the collision, Defendant was driving admittedly drunk.”
Paragraph 14. “At the time of the accident, Defendant was partially or totally in the backseat of the car.”


No but seriously, wasted going 85 mph!  Having sex! And in or partially in the backseat?  What the fuck does that even mean?!?!?  And where the hell is paragraph 11?  For all I know this shit could be  all out of context...

The court proceedings are apparently not going too well, now the d-bag denies he was even driving and the woman who he may or may not have had sex with while drunk driving from the backseat has been completely dismissed from the case. Allegedly, there was someone else in the car but that mofo denies driving as well...priceless!

The plaintiff, a 28-year-old cab driver, is seeking $75,000 in damages and sought punitive damages against the defendant and the friend, arguing that "having sex at 85 miles per hour while drunk on a freeway is willful and wanton negligence."

True dat, my cabbie friend!  TRU DAT!!!

Image Via www.washingtonpost.com

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