
Amy Winehouse - Whacked Out Concert

Damn woman!  Pull it together, fuck!

Amy Winehouse was in Belgrade last night at the first stop on her fresh-outta-rehab-wahoo-let's-get-fucked-up tour and girlfriend did NOT disappoint!  She shit on that stage like she was in a porta-potty at a peanut festival...

She was over an hour late and when she finally showed her ugly mug, she stumbled around the stage like Britney Spears circa 2008.  The audience fed her the lines to her own damn songs, so they could at least hear a bit of her award-winning vocals.  Here's a tip though guys, not a great idea to buy Amy Winehouse tickets, she appears to have a very serious drug problem and cannot possibly put on a concert...actually while I'm doling out free tips, don't go to any Charlie Sheen shit either.  PS - for those of you who don't want to heed my warning, she has cancelled the rest of her dates anyways, so there.

Image Via www.theychosepoorly.wordpress.com

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