Danielle Staub Uses Russell Armstrong's Suicide For Press
There are sick wackos in this world and then there's Danielle Staub - this woman takes the publicity cake when it comes to being all sorts of effed up. Everyone's fave prostitution whore has done gone and sunk to a new low! That's right, ho just went on ET to talk about how she was suicidal too, just like Russell.
Let this guy rest in peace, bitch!
"I was very close to taking my own life -- not just on one occasion -- it's been several times. And what always saved me was the thought of my children living with that for the rest of their lives. I didn't want them to have that memory of me. I wanted them to remember me -- even if I'm going through my struggles -- alive."
After squirting a few crocodile tears she went on to say that she understands the deep dark places that must have led to the suicide of Taylor Armstrong's estranged husband. "I don't have words to describe how alone you feel. And everybody's coming at you, and judging you, and they don't even know you." Um no, I suppose we don't know you but we've all seen the court papers, and bottom line is, you pistol whipped a kid, dude!
The hate-filled one then hypocritically said, "There's so much hate in this world. And I just hope that his children and Taylor, and his ex-wife as well, all know that my genuine heartfelt sympathy and empathy, especially empathy, is with them at this time and always."
Well if it does affect you so damn negatively then there's two things you can do:
1> Stop being a crazy, paranoid fame whore and act like an actual human being.
2> Get the fuck off my TV and stop taking reality show jobs.
Actually, since I'm doling out free, unsolicited advice here - PLEASE no more sex tapes! Your kids probably don't want to "have that memory of [you]" either. You're welcome.
Image Via www.starcasm.net
same category as the Salahis on Dr. Drew. They don't know this family and yet oh, it's a paycheck.. Famewhores.