Christine O'Donnell Throws a Fit and Walks Out on Piers Morgan
But she's still not a witch so...that's good.
Christine O'Donnell was on Piers Morgan about an hour ago and bitch ended up throwing a fit and walking the eff out! Who does she think she is? Paris Hilton???
Honey, you are NO Paris!
O'Donnell seemed to be holding her own against the superstar interviewer until he brought up questions about gay marriage - keep in mind, through the whole interview she (not so skillfully) shimmied her way around ANY sort of controversial topics throughout even though the book she was there to promote was apparently chalked full of snazzy anecdotes about her greatest hits.
Basically, O'Donnell was there to talk about the book but did not want to talk about the book - huh?
She did go a bit into the mentality behind her I'm-not-a-witch-gate and the anti-masturbation clips from MTV but then dodged other questions also relative to her book. O'Donnell even had the gall to ask some crazy batshit question like, shouldn't I be allowed to just talk about what I want to?
Um no! It's an interview to talk about YOUR book. YOU said all that shit! Hell, YOU wrote it down to make money!
So, yeah - interviewers interviewing you about your book can ask you about what's in it!
Image Via www.broadcastingcable.com
Did Diane Dimond write the book for her? Another winner.