Video of the Day! Mouse in McDonald's Buns Bag EWWWW!
Oh for fuck's sakes! McDonald's is so damn gross!
Peep this vid next time you're having a Mac Attack and it may make you think twice. I see a lot of these sorts of vids/postings and usually they're faker than a Kardashian wedding but this one seems real (Fox picked up the story but it's only now the tape has been released.)
It was filmed at a store in Philly that's known for having health inspector problems and supposedly when it happens (evidently this has happened 6 or 7 times to the guy in the vid alone) the manager tells employees to throw Mickey out, brush off the droppings and make those burgers! So nasty!
Oh and not to be a mayjah dick here as I know that Canadians looove to think this place is the be-all-end-all of coffee, but I worked at a Tim Horton's in Ottawa (a popular one) when I was 18 and the shit I could tell you would shock the hell out of you. Don't drink the iced cappuccinos and don't eat the food. That's all I'm gonna say.
Image Via www.youtube.com
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