WTF? New Man Bikini Lets Men Look Like they Have a Vadge
You know, in case any of you guys want to do that!
Now, I have zero problem with people doing whatever the eff they want on their own time as long as it doesn't screw with anyone else's nonsense but this is a little weird - n'est pas???
This hot little mankini number was created by a company called Koala Mens Swimwear, sells for $36 bucks and is based on their "currently best selling vagina-style suit" which "creates a virtual pussy out of [a man's] cock."
LOL WHAT!?! I must be more fucking sheltered than I think I am because I never knew anything like this existed and/or was in such high demand! Geez - I gotta get out more!
PS - there are more super gnarly original creations at the site but I warn ya NSFW! SOOOO NSFW! Like, I'm talking straight up peen shots and gitches with names like Power Slut G-String and Cock Rage.
Image Via www.koalaswim.com
excuse me while i rip out my eyes with rusty spoons...