Woman Injects Beef Fat into her Face - Botox-Style!
Whoa! Is it just me or are bitches getting crazier and crazier???
First, we chose to crown Kim Kardashian our queen, then we dressed up a little girl like a hooker on Toddlers and Tiaras and now we're injecting beef fat (hot beef fat no less) into our faces to re-create the effects of Botox! Holy fuck, man!!! It's an EPIDEMIC!!!
63-year-old Janet Hardt (who has had many legit plastic surgeries in the past) had a massive effin' brain fart and took it upon herself to inject beef fat in and around her mouth and chin in order to get rid of her wrinkles.
What the hell, yo? How would that even remotely work? Botox isn't fat - it's a poison that renders muscles inactive - day-um! Wiki that shit!
The sad part of the story (no that wasn't it) is that she died shortly after - though not from the injections (I'm not THAT much of an asshole.)
Hardt went to the hospital after shooting up her face with the delicious beef fat and told them "her face felt like it was burning." It was actually burning internally as well as infected. And she died a while later of non-related peritonitis - a severe abdominal inflammation caused by a bacterial infection.
Now I'm no doctor but I do watch me a good amount of CSI and the timing seems a little suspect, no? Get me Dr. Robbins on the damn phone!
Anyways, moral of the story seems to be the age old adage, Don't try this at home.
Image Via www.mondonyc.com
Now women wouldn't have to worry about those unwanted wrinkles and lines. Thanks to Botox.