Kelly Osbourne Calls XTina a Cunt and Puts Kate Middleton on Blast
Sup Kelly Osbourne's newly skinny ass lately??? She's spreading the hate around like a Real Housewife of New York!
First she got on Christina Aguilera on The Fashion Police saying, "Maybe she is just becoming the fat bitch she was born to be. I don't know. She was a cunt to me. And she bought my house!" (Not her house - her rich daddy's house - the one from the show.) She went on to say, "She called me fat for so many fucking years...So you know what? Fuck you! You're fat too." Yikes! If that ain't the fat kettle calling the fat pot fat! Sounds like someone has some issues with herself. The feud was actually started by Kelly (when she was a fat cow mind you) way back in 2003, when Kelly publicly announced that the singer’s Christmas album made her want to stab herself. I couldn't find any sort of garbage about Xtina calling her fat but who knows - weird thing is Kelly has come out before crying about people making fun of fatties - She told Us Weekly a whiles back that, "I took more hell for being fat than I did for being an absolute raging drug addict. I will never understand that." I guess now that Obsourne has lost almost 50 pounds she's starting to understand. Moving on...
On Leno Miss Osbourne showed up looking like a jacked up Marilyn Monroe wannabe and took some shots at the lovely Kate Middleton too (for those who don't know Kate she's Pippa Middleton's sister - and it's ALL about Pippa.) She said, "If had had that job I would only wear it once. If I am going to be the future bloody Queen of England I'm going to wear that dress once because I'm giving up the rest of my life, all of my privacy. At least I can get a new dress every day!" Um yeah, sooo...that's stupid! You know, for those of us who didn't grow up in a haunted mansion with Ozzy fucking Osbourne footing the bill, we don't really see the point in spoiled celebrities and pretentious royals thinking that the most important thing in the world is a new dress. Kelly also said that she'd also get new gitches everyday if she were Duchess. "Well, if I could, I would. That's a really good idea, actually." Though I'm tempted I'm not going to make any smelly vadge jokes here but I could - know that.
So anyways, the whole thing is lame and Kelly sucks balls etc. etc. etc.
Hear that Kelly? LAME! Madonna should fire your ass for being so lame and buggering up her Material Girl line with your lameness!
And before you mofos start writing me comments and emails about being anti-fat, it's just shits and gigs people - I don't really think either one is fat - however I do really think that chicks are unapologetic BITCHES to each other.
Image Via www.four.co.nz
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