Inmate Sues Jail for Being Denied Porn
Now there's dumbasses and then there's DUMBASSES!
Some guy named Kyle Richards, no relation to Paris Hilton's aunt of the same name from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - that's just a weird ass coincidence - is suing the jail he is currently incarcerated in for not allowing him porn! PORN! This is jail, man, not Larry fucking Flynt's house!
Says the brainiac, " ... my civil rights are being violated," and that the jail's refusal to give him porn has resulted in a "poor standard of living" as well as "sexual and sensory deprivation." Yeah, the civil right to porn, I always forget about that one... He also said that the living conditions in the jail, "...have been used as a method of ‘psychological warfare’ against prisoners, in order to both destroy the morale of inmates and break the spirit of individuals." So dramatic! This isn't 1984, man!
The dude's not in "da joint" for any sort of sexual crime so I don't really see the issue with letting him get his porn on, but filing a lawsuit is just tacky. Give this guy something to do, don't they give inmates telemarketing jobs nowadays? Throw this jerk on a phone and let him spend the rest of his time selling Amway. I've done it, he'll learn his lesson.
Image Via www.inquisitr.com
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