No Prenup for Hef
Damn, old man - that takes some old balls!
The 84-year-old Playboy honcho is not going to get Crystal "I'mgoingtotakeallyourmoney" Harris to sign a prenup and sources say he won't even bring it up.
He's worth a cool $43 million and she's worth about $43 dollars so it's a little shocking that he wouldn't put down his Viagra long enough to get those papers signed.
Hef says he loves her and truly cares for the 24-year-old Harris so there is no need for one. Pfft - I know why you need one...so she doesn't take all your fucking money dude!
Mazel if the two of them make it and they do truly care about each other this much but what's wrong with signing a prenup? People act like it's insulting these days - here's a tip Hef...it's not insulting - it's a way to make sure that what's yours stays yours and she gets to keep her $43 bucks so...what's the problem?
God, get this guy a Kanye CD ASAP!
Image Via www.bumpshack.com
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