Teen Mom Jenelle Fought on Purpose - To Sell The Tape!
...Or so says the chick who pushed her in to the fight.
You may recall that at the beginning of the much-viewed beat down video between Jenelle and that other not so famous teen mom Britany Truett, she was pushed by a girl named Brittany Maggard into the fight.
Ugh - too many Britneys!
Anyway - Maggard (the pushing Brittany) is now claiming Jenelle was actually in on a plot to make money off the brawl. How nefarious!
Maggard alleges she and some idiot named Nick thought up an idea to sell a good old porch brawlin' video starring Jenelle (who not only thought it was a "good idea" but also was the one who called an agency to purchase the video). Shut up, girl!
TMZ is reporting the tape sold for 5Gs but EOnline is saying it sold for 45Gs, not sure which one is right. But apparently, Jenelle wanted the biggest piece of the pie because she said (or most likely yelled) "You wouldn't get any money if I wasn't famous!"
The attorneys have their hands full with these "ladies"...yeesh!
Image Via www.eonline.com
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