Keeping Up with the Kardashians
Who can keep up with these bitches?
They’re in LA! They’re in New York! They’re in Miami!…Aye Carumba - these twats are everywhere!
So, what makes them famous? A rundown….
Kim is hot and has a big fat ass that seems to entrance the world with it’s 90s JLoedness…Kourtney is also beautiful and dates some douchebag, Scott Dickless or Disick or whatever (some dude who thinks he’s American Psycho and that it’s cool to think that) - she even let the jerk off impregnate her!!! And then there’s Khloe…she is less beautiful then the others but married an average looking Laker named Lamar or some such shit and sponges off that and the hotness of her sisters.
There are a few more of them but really, who the Hell can even tell them apart at this point? I can barely tell those three apart! And Goddamn! Who still names all there kids with the same initials - Kris Jenner loses points for that one - so 1980s!
Props to them for being related to the love of my life Brody Jenner if only by marriage, but other then that really? Really?
They appear to have some sort of store - Dash - how clever! That they pretend to work at and Kim made a sex tape with Moesha’s brother but is this really what passes for what makes a celebrity these days? A big fat ass and a sex tape?
I mean really, these bitches are like Parsley - they’re everywhere!
Gone are the days of the true stars…the days of making art and actually making a living doing so. I’ll admit, the stupid one, Khloe says dumb things and I sometimes laugh but where are the real stars? The coveted and envied talents that used to make up Hollyweird?
Are they gone? Is Hollywood over? Swept away under a proverbial rug of the paparazzi star? I think it may be…and we are left wondering - has Hollywood just become a stomping ground for mediocre, talentless hacks? Or just a joke, with a punch line that may or may not ever come?
Image Via www.buddytv.com
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